The famous English writer Izzak Walton once said: "No life is so happy and so pleasant as the life of the well-govern'd angler".
While I'd agree with this quote (in principle, mainly when I'm catching fish!) it can prove to be a tricky task passing on the delicate art of fishing to youngsters; their inquisitive minds wander relentlessly and patience is an unknown emotion to a pre-schooler or primary school age child.
However, with the right knowledge and know-how, fishing trips with children can become great bonding experiences, offering more than just fishing itself; instead enjoying the peace and tranquility of nature as a whole.
Stories of monster fish lurking in the depths of the rivers and lakes have been told to children for centuries, but they take on a whole new dynamic when re-told on a river bank. Keeping a child entertained and interested in this way is key to maintaining attention, fishing can be a slow process, and while many adults enjoy losing themselves in such a manner youngsters can become bored and lose interest very quickly.
As long as hooks and weights are kept out of harm's way, a child can be involved with most fishing tasks, especially when it comes to positioning floats or reeling in lines. It's also a good skill-set for them to learn, helping with hand and eye coordination.
Most local fishing clubs have a 'tiddler' lake, where adults can take kids and the fishing is relatively easy. Hertford and Ware both have excellent fishing clubs with lots of rivers and lakes to choose from, with the latter benefiting from a learner lake.
Above all else, enjoy the teaching experience, make sure the child is safe from the water's edge and try and ignite the passion of the dedicated angler within them. Who knows, maybe one day they'll end up catching monsters of their own...
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