Monday, July 28, 2014

Sign up to Parenting Daily's email newsletter!

Parenting Daily East Herts has launched a weekly email newsletter called, naturally, the Weekly Roundup.

It goes out every Thursday and is packed with things to read and places to go - everything a parent or grandparent living in East Herts needs to keep on top of local news, information & events for the whole family.

You can sign up for it by clicking right here.

Each newsletter will feature articles by our awesome editorial team, a digest of all the important parenting news from around the web that you may have missed, plus our latest guide to what's on for families in East Herts (and beyond).

We'll also have offers from our partners, plus regular competitions with fantastic prizes.

The newsletter is just one of the ways you can keep up to date with the latest parenting news from Hertford, Ware, Hoddesdon and the villages of East Herts via Parenting Daily - you can also Follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook or friend us on Google+, Instagram and Pinterest too.

And did we mention you can sign up to the newsletter by clicking right here?

Finally, if you have any questions regarding editorial or commercial opportunities offered by Parenting Daily East Herts, drop us a line at - we'd love to hear from you!

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