Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Run4MAMA - Why You Should Get Involved

Waddle, walk, jog or run a MAMA Mile to help raise funds to provide MAMA education leaflets to all mums to be! Get your children involved so they too can get active. Whether you push your baby in their pram, jog with your toddler on your shoulders, or hold hands with your teenager, you will be helping us raise awareness of pregnancy education to help more babies arrive safely!
Local blogger Lily And Me is a charity partner to and is hosting a Run 4 MAMA event to help raise much needed funds to lower stillbirth rates in the UK – one of the highest in the developed world. If you’re local to Ware, Hertfordshire get involved!
WHERE: Wodson Park Sports Centre on 25th July at 11am
WHAT WILL YOU NEED TO DO: 1 mile is approximately 4 times round the athletics track. You can walk, jog or run. There is no time limit and the event will be followed by a relaxed picnic – just bring a few items so everyone can share. Entry costs £5. It’s free for babies and toddlers unless you want them to have their own race bib in which case entry will be £2. You can sign up here: or via my event page where you can also keep up-to-date with who’s going and what’s happening
SPONSORSHIP: You do not need to raise sponsorship money but should any of your friends or family wish to donate they can do so by text MAMA00 £3 to 70070
WIN! All participants will be entered into a raffle to have a chance of winning some fabulous prizes!

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